Maybe it's something really simple, but I haven't been able to understand why they are using spriteSourceSize, since we will be reading the spritesheet and not the original image. Example usage Create a sprite sheet with TexturePacker and and save it in 'JSON (Hash)' format. Add it to a module as a dependency via: go get /fzipp/texturepacker Documentation Package documentation is available on I thought that, in order to get the center of the image, it was enough to calculate /2 and /2, but, according to the course, this javascript is supposed to calculate the center: //sprite is a javascript object that represents a sprite inside the 'frames' arrayĬx = - ( * 0.5) Ĭy = - ( * 0.5) Package texturepacker reads sprite sheets created and exported as JSON by TexturePacker. sourceSize: the size of the original image.spriteSourceSize: the coordinates and size of the trimmed sprite inside the original image.TexturePacker packs sprite sheets for your game or app. trimmed: whether the empty pixels were removed or not. TexturePacker can not only pack grid-based sprite sheets where all sprites are the same size, but it can also pack complex sprite sheets with differently-sized sprites.frame: the coordinates, width and height of the sprite inside the spritesheet.So, if I add a circle.png file of 32x32 pixels to my TexturePacker spritesheet, and the image's dimensions were only 24x24, TexturePacker would trim the image down to 24x24 and generate a png file of this size (assuming there was only one sprite) and the following JSON file: , I import it into Unit圓D, and do the slicing and all that, and it works just fine, EXCEPT.when I look at the sprite sheet in the Assets folder, I see it has been resized to 1024x1024, thus making my art look like crap. Works great, spit it out at the size I needed, which is 4096x4096. The difference, as you can probably tell, is that empty pixels are removed from the final spritesheet file. Just grabbed TexturePacker yesterday, and used it to create a sprite sheet.
This is the diff when you open a project create in Windows in macOS: -version: 2 -importPivots: 1 -tpsheetFileNames: - Assets/Resources/rotrc.tpsheet -textureFileNames: - Assets/Resources/rotrc. While an spritesheet with trimmed sprites looks like this (empty pixels in green): You could pretty easily manually type up an atlas (the metadata pack file that TexturePacker generates. 22 The annoying thing about SettingsTexturePackerImporter.txt is that it keeps being regenerated and if differs from platform to platform. GitHub - fzipp/texturepacker: Read sprite sheets created and exported as JSON by TexturePacker. We have to consider whether the sprite is trimmed or not.Īn spritesheet with untrimmed sprites looks like this (empty pixels in green): Read sprite sheets created and exported as JSON by TexturePacker.
For this reason some sprite sheets are given like a squared shape as following.
There are already many poor man’s solutions dated from 2006 and earlier.
In this Udacity course, we have to read a JSON file generated by TexturePacker to compute the center of a sprite from a spritesheet. Hello, I am looking for a manual organisation of my sprite.